seeping into the corners of my mind,
causing blindness.
I’ve never known such a sorry state as this,
where my identity is stripped like my own skin.
But then you never knew this part of me,
my secret heart, my provocative writing.
I fold slowly back into myself,
a softened balloon,
unused and unblooming.
I drag my limbs,
a wounded animal retreating into my cave,
leaving dirt paths behind me.
You shed the embryo of us
like a shadow.
It fell away immediately.
Crouched on the floor, holding the remnants,
I embrace you with a vengeance, for love is like cradling an enemy,
someone other than yourself.
Now there is confusion.
Chaos, like when salt meets pepper.
I am sifting through the grains, but not finding a clear path.
I am grabbing fistfuls, but coming up