Gabriella Alziari


I felt your quiet lips like a million raindrops

softening the blow,

Making the space between us blend into lighting,

a peaceful energy, my quiet home.


I cut out your figure like a paper doll.

The weakened organs collapse,

crumpling against me, like candy wrappers.

This silhouette is a pretend you,

it rests beside me like water.


The two of us have been at war

against an unknown enemy.

At once, there is urgency

to expel this illness, an unwanted baby.


I hold your paper body in my palms.

I am bearing the weight of your presence,

spreading my wings in your essence,

your voice ringing strong in my head.


There is power in this love,

in this touch,

this determination.

I am ablaze like a fire.

I am a sparkler,

coming to life.